.In early 2016 I put together this three hour interactive workshop to teach participants how to prepare, facilitate and analyse usability testing of products or services using lean methods. This is a result of many years of usability testing experience which I have in numerous industry sectors.
I have ran this course on a regular basis in the following in organisations:
To date, over 400 participants have taken part in the learning lab workshop!
About the Learning Lab:
Even though usability testing is one of the most effective things you can do to improve any digital product, not much of it gets done. Why? Because people tend to think that it has to be a time consuming process that requires serious expertise and will slow down development.
Even though usability testing is one of the most effective things you can do to improve any digital product, not much of it gets done. Why? Because people tend to think that it has to be a time consuming process that requires serious expertise and will slow down development.
With a mix of demonstration, explanation, and hands-on practice (on your own product!), this learning lab workshop will teach your team Jonathan Steingiesser’s formula for doing low cost/no cost testing that’s simple enough to make it a routine part of every project.
And as an added bonus, it gives your team a chance to spend a few hours asking Jonathan your questions about testing or any other aspect of usability or product design .
The workshop tends to be 60% demonstration, explanation, and Q&A, and 40% hands-on practice. This includes a live demo test so you can see the whole process in detail, a complete explanation of Jonathan’s recommended testing method (hint: very simple, very fast, and very cheap), hands-on practice creating your own test tasks and moderating a test on your own product and plenty of time to answer questions about testing or any other aspect of usability.